After that we went to Hawk Watch Hill and watched hawks. This part was a little insane because all the super-dooper birders were spotting hawks and stuff like a million miles away and identifying them right away while I could hardly see them at all. Although I did see a Bald Eagle(lifer #3) fairly close which was pretty exciting! Next there was a talk from a girl who won the 14-18 division of the ABA young birder of the year contest. It sounds pretty cool, I might have to give it a go some time. Next there were a bunch more talks and then my favorite part of the day, the afternoon bird walk. My favorite because I saw a lot of birds I knew and felt like I was getting to know some of the other kids there a little better and I saw #4 and #5: Tennessee Warbler and Black and White Warbler. Well, that was pretty much it except a hawk flew in front of the car on the way home that I had to get out and run back to identify (Red-Tailed Hawk) which was kinda exciting. Also I challenged myself to see as many birds as possible in one day. So here's the list (By the way it only counts if I see it or hear it not if somebody tells me that's what's there, I have to be able to identify it later)
- Canada Goose
- Mourning Dove
- Downy Woodpecker
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Carolina Chickadee
- Blue Jay
- Carolina Wren
- Chimney Swift
- Gray Catbird
- Northern "Yellow-Shafted" Flicker
- Rose-Breasted Grosbeak(Female) - Really good view through somebody's scope
- American Crow
- Great Egret - #1
- Black Vulture - #2
- Bald Eagle - #3
- American Robin
- Turkey Vulture
- White-Breasted Nuthatch
- Tennessee Warbler - #4
- Black and White Warbler - #5
- Wood Thrush
- Red-Tailed Hawk
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